2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tyler's 5th grade science project (Feb 20, 2012)

This is one of those school projects that I didn't learn about until 8 pm the night before the first rough draft was due. . . Luckily for me, the teacher had helped Tyler pick a subject to do his science fair project on. Actually, I'm not sure if that was a good thing or not. Tyler with the help of his teacher, chose to do which will bounce higher, a soccer ball or a volley ball. It was fine and all for the actual experiment, but finding research on it was a nightmare! If I had another kid, which I don't, I would per-research online, before I got started to see which topic actually had information out there on it. But, that would also suggested that I would have known about it in time to do research! Good thing this is my last one!

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