2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy Father's Day (June 19, 2012)

For Father's Day, I decided to surprise Dave with a new computer chair. Here is his old, ugly chair. .  .

And here is picture of Will putting together his new chair. Tasha and Mariana did their best to help by climbing into everything.


I must admit that I like sitting in it better than the old one. I was going to take the old chair to the D.I., but Tyler was quick to claim it as his. 

Dave you are an amazing father and ga- papa. I hope my children grow up to be just like you. You have such a great love for your family. You are a great provider. I couldn't ask for a better man to be mine.You take care of every single need and want that I have. It's as if you can read my mind at times. I don't know how to express to you how absolutely proud I am of you. How proud I am to be your wife. You work so hard and come home an work hard at home. You are the smartest man I know. I love you with all my being.

My Dad was out of town with my Mom for Father's day, so I wasn't able to visit him. He is the perfect example for more on how I need to be if I want to make it to the Celestial Kingdom one day. I have no doubt he has made it. My Dad has a heart of gold and if selfless in helping others. He doesn't even think twice. He listens to the spirit and acts. I love you Dad. I am grateful for all the things you have taught me. I love your spiritual stories you have shared with me. I hope to one day be like you.

My Father in law is also an amazing man. I only hope to have as much energy that he has at his age! He is such a hard worker. I think my husband personal strives to be like his Dad. Romney is also very given and has personal helped my family in so many ways! For him allowing us to buy trucks has been a life line for my family. I am very lucky to have the loving in-laws that I have. They are so good to my children as well!

Happy Father's Day!!!

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