2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Scuba, Scuba, Scuba (July 19th, 2012)

Yea! I am finally learning to how to scuba! Thank heaven Kiersten and Keenan are going along for the ride with me! The majority of my family can scuba dive. My hubby is a Master Scuba Diver (very impressive), he got his boys certified years ago and Kaylyn certified maybe a year ago. That only leaves me, Kiersten, Keenan and Marcy who haven't done it yet.

Kiersten, Keenan and I are being taught by a nice man in my ward (Kenny Hansen) and his friend. The book can be really intimidating and makes you stop and think "why am I doing this again???" Especially when you read the scary, do not do this and make sure you remember this stuff. But all it takes is to get in the swimming pool all suited up and to go underwater to remember why I wanted to do this.

I LOVE being under water and swimming and breathing! It is incredible! Dave let me try it out in his parent's pool. I was having problems taking my mask off underwater. I would freak out and inhale all this water. Dave was great and wanted to show me what it was like. I think it was very romantic being under the water with him. He laughs when I say this, but it was. This is the only time he will get me to shut up during romantic stuff, so he should take it and run! ha ha.

I passed my written exam! Whew! I was stressing about it for days. I got 100% on all 4 quizzes, but missed 4 on the final test so I passed with 94%. Good enough, I'll take it. Now I just have to pass the final test underwater! It should be ok. The nice instructor taught me how to take my mask off, so I am no longer afraid of it and can clear it of water easily. It's not as scary as I thought to take your regulator out and put it back in. Now my only fear left if going up out of the crater without taking a breath at 20 feel below water. I hear it's nothing and is easy, but you know me. I will stress about it until it is over! Which is in about 2 weeks. My hubby was supposed to be there in the crater with me for my final exam, but of course it is the same week as scout camp and he is going up with Will to help out, so he can't be there for me in person.

Wish me luck!

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