2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Riley Roos Baby Blessing (March 25, 2012)

 Ricky, Mom (Trudy), Michelle's kid Chris & Michelle

Becca, Ricky, Mom and Chris

I am so happy for my brother Ricky. Ricky and I are close and nothing makes me happier than knowing that he is happy. He has a wonderful wife and great kids! Riley is their newest addition! Ricky and Jennie make such cute kids! I miss having them close, I don't get to babysit as often. Their new house looked great!

 It was crazy ,we were 15 mins early to their church and still got stuck sitting in the very back of the gym. Their ward is funny. They will come really early and pre-mark their spot and leave. So all the people who got to sit on the soft seats were actually the last ones to show up, but because their spot was pre-saved. Wouldn't it be funny to have the guts to show up and take their spot anyways because they weren't there. . . Just a thought Ricky.

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