2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Cute little baby birds (June 20, 2012)


This year we are the proud owners of trees that have been the home to baby birds! I discovered a pretty big nest in one of our front trees that was the home to 4 baby Magpies!  I would get a wake up call every morning from the little birds. They can be quite loud. We also have another family of baby birds that decided the heat vent from our house would the perfect place to build a nest. The Magpies were fun to watch. We got to watch them learn how to fly. They would jump from branch to branch. They looked a little drunk because they hadn't learned the art of flying gracefully yet. I was sad to see them leave, but hopefully next year one of them will use the nest again and we will have new baby birds!

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