2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Hill Air Force Base Show (May 26, 2012)

Tyler and Dallen next to the HUGE aircraft carrier! 

Inside the carrier

Tyler in a tank

Tyler and Dallen playing with weapons (their favorite thing we saw)

I was so excited to go see the show at Hill Air Force Base. I remember my parent's taking me when I was a child and seeing the Thunder Birds. I took Tyler and his friend Dallen. We went with my Dad, sister Becca and her 2 kids. Thank heaven we got a parking space that wasn't terribly far away from the entrance. We waiting in a huge line to get through the metal detectors and then found my Dad. On our way to the chairs my Dad set out (front row) to see the air show, we stopped and saw some of the planes and stuff on the way. It was really cool! I spoke to several member of the air force who told me about their job. I felt awe for the guy I spoke to who was a bomb technician. What a scary job. I am so proud to be an American and have such brave men and women who defend our freedom!

About 10 min's after these pictures were taken it started to down pour! We were all drenched within min's. I did not have one dry spot on my entire body! I really wanted to stay, so we waited a good 30 min's to see if the weather would get better. Well, it only got worse. Tyler was upset over the weather and freaked out. He wanted to leave immediately. So it was sad, but I gave it up and left. It seemed like a long time walking back to Becca's car (we car pooled). Thousands of people were trying to leave at the same time. We almost ran out of gas waiting in Becca's car for the car's to move!

All in all, it was fun. My Dad stayed and waited it out. Bless his heart, he had all our chairs and had to make 3 trips to his car to get them all back. He loved us so he did it for us, because we had 4 crying, wet kids. I'm going to try it again when they do it next time, so pray for no rain!

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