2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Happy 11th Birthday Tyler (Feb 28, 2012)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TYLER!!! It's hard to image I have only had Tyler in my life for 11 years. I can't imagine a time when he wasn't a part of me. I am so very thankful the lord sends us the children we are meant to have. Tyler is such a special part of our family. He is full of energy and always has a million or so questions. He has always been inquisitive and it's nice to see that hasn't gone away with age. Tyler is my chatter box (I have no idea where he could have gotten that from, ha ha)! He can talk non stop! Since losing my job, he and I walked to summer school together. I loved this time for just the two of us. He will talk to me all the way there and still sit outside the school talking to me (even though the bell has rung and it's past time to go in). Tyler is strong willed (once again, no idea where that one came from) but I'm glad. I hope he will always stand up for himself. I love listening to his prayers. They are all very different and very heartfelt. I bet the lord loves to hear his prayers. I love you my Tyler!

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