2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dave's 44th Birthday

HAPPY BIRTHDAY my love!!!!

Dave was on his way home from Chicago on his actual birthday (March 18th), so we had his birthday cake today. His favorite, yellow homemade cake with chocolate frosting.

I got him some temple clothing items that he always has to rent. My kids told me it was a boring gift. . . Kiersten bought him a nice pink church shirt that Dave has always wanted, pants and the nice shirt you see him wearing in the picture above. Dave absolutely LOVES his little girl, so we were thrilled to have her come over.

Dave is a wonderful husband and father! I am so blessed to have him in my life! He is truly my better half. David is a lot more patient, kind, giving and loving than I am. I hope I can become more like him! LOVE you honey! Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Dave your cake is so boring. Where is the flower's and the store frosting that turns your whole mouth a color. I don't see the 44 candles. A birthday is no fun without a fire extinguisher.
