2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, March 21, 2010

New Moon Disappointment

New Moon DVD release didn't go as well as planned.
March 19 at 8:30 pm Michelle and I headed out to the movie release party, clear out in the Walmart in Riverton. Becca joined us around 10:30 pm. The movie was on sale at midnight, but three actors were supposed to show up at 10:00 to sign autographs.

The three actors were the one's who play Mike, Eric and Angela. We learned while waiting in the long, long line that the stars were only contacted to sign autographs for 300, after that they could chose whether to leave or stay and sign for everybody else. Well, we were about maybe number 1000 out of about 5000.

Poor Michelle. . . I drug her out there, five months pregnant to sit in a long line all night! She was a great sport! When Becca showed up, she got Michelle a folding chair from one of the aisles to drag around with us, so Michelle could sit down.

Well, the actors decided they were too good to sit there all night, so after showing up an hour and a half late, they only signed autographs for the 300 and left!!!! There were soooo many angry girls! If I would have known they weren't going to stick around, I would have stayed in Layton and gone to Target to get the 3 disc movie.

Last year when the woman playing Victoria showed up, she was only contacted for 300 as well, but she stayed until every single person in line got an autograph. Oh well. . . Now we just have to decide if we want to bother going all the way out there for Eclipse and risk staying up all night for nothing!

This picture is of Becca and Michelle as we were leaving! Becca came down from Provo and Michelle drove down with me from Layton, so we all had traveled a long way! My parents were watching Michelle's four kids so she could go. She ended up just sleeping over at my parents with all my kids. I got home at 2:30 in the morning and had the boys State Chess Championships in the morning. I had to leave at 7:00 in the morning! I was extremely tired! Good thing I wasn't the one playing chess!

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