2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Welcome to our family. . . 2 Bucks and Change

This is us. . . The Bucks. Pappa Buck and Momma Buck. The handsome guy in the photo is our family rock and foundation. I am the lucky gal that is still amazed, five years later, that I am lucky enough to be his wife.

We met online at LDS singles.com. Pappa Buck dated a lot of nice, but weird women from online sites before I tracked him down. I think all the weird women helped me out, it probably made me look better than I really am :)

I found Dave first. He thought I was making a mistake when I sent him a note, because of our 10 year age difference. He was so cute, I didn't even think twice about the slight age difference. I'm not sure what got him to reply back to me, but he did and asked me out on a date. He wanted a date for that same day, but I had to say no. I had used up all of my babysitters (my Mom, Michelle, Donna) for that week, I just kept rotating who I would ask to watch my boys, so I could go out on all these on-line dates. So he had to wait a few day's, until I was able to ask Michelle to babysit again, then finally we were able to go out.

I let Dave pick me up at my apartment. He was wearing his nice slacks, white dress shirt and a black leather jacket. I will never forget the way it made my heart race when I first looked at him. He was so gorgeous. The next couple of days at work, I kept telling my friends how gorgeous he was. I loved his face, his hair and unlike the other guys I dated, he was as tall as he said he was, which I liked!

We went to what I now refer to as "our" restaurant. It is a quaint little restaurant tucked away in the heart of Salt Lake City. It is an Italian restaurant. He started a tradition between us that night, where he ordered for me. To me it is very respectful and it makes me feel like he is taking care of me when he orders for me. Now days, he almost knows what I will like more than I know myself!

During dinner he did most of the talking. Anybody that really knows me, knows this is very unlike me! For once in my life, I was actually nervous about what to say! I didn't want to scare him off! This is probably what got me a second date :) After our wonderful dinner, we both didn't want it to end. He invited me to go see a movie with him. I didn't even think twice about leaving my kids two hours longer with my sister, sorry Michelle! I didn't have a cell phone at that time, so I couldn't even call her to say," hey by the way, I'll be late." Michelle is wonderful and when I got to her place she was happy for me that I had fun and didn't say one word about me being so late!

We watched the Disney movie "Incredibles." I didn't really pay attention to the movie. I was too engrossed in the handsome man next to me, paying attention to his every move.

He dropped me off at home, opening the car door for me, which he still does to this day. That was the first day to the start of the rest of my life and eternity. . .

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