2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Joseph Smith Movie

On Tuesday, March 16, I took the boys to see the Joseph Smith movie downtown.

I think they liked it. It's a really good movie. It one thing to hear about the life of Joseph Smith, it's another thing to see it portrayed on film.

Tyler and Will were a little emotional after the movie got over. It was a great opportunity for us to have a good church based discussion on the way home.

I love our church. I know it is true, with every fiber of my being. I have had several challenges in life. . . placing my daughter for a better life, having my x-husband decide he was done and wanting a divorce, but through it all, the lord has been there, by my side. I am grateful to have my testimony, I am grateful to know where I am going, if I can be good enough :) I want so badly for my children to never falter. I want them to know the gospel is true. I want them to serve missions worthily and marry wonderful women in the temple. I can't wait to go to the temple with them. As soon as Will turns 12, I am taking him through the temple. We are going to do baptisms for dead. I want him to have a desire to always be worthy to carry a temple recommend. I want my boys to love the gospel and be by my side in the here after. Sorry for my ranting. . . I just know so many people that I love that have faltered a little in their belief that it is on my mind. I don't want to have them miss out in the next life. I don't want them to miss out in this life. I don't know how to help them, yet. . . So of course, that makes me think of my boys and their future and how I don't want them to lose their faith, ever.

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