2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Utah State 2010 Chess Championships

These pictures don't due it justice. You can't see the entire room. Each age group had about 90 kids each, so there were a ton of kids! The kids had to be in their seats at 8:15 and the first round started at 8:30. We left Layton around 7:15. Clara was nice enough to wait for us on the side of the road to show us the way. It was at the University of Utah.

At State the kids play 6 rounds of chess instead of the normal 5 rounds for other tournaments. After the 1st round, the computer went down. The computer is how they match up which kids are playing together, so we had to wait over two hours while they fixed the computer and got it up and running again!!! That is a very long time when you have several hundred children from kindergarten to 6th grade! The kids were all bored waiting and got to where they were just running all over the place! The people in charge gave a little lecture about the kids behaving, but I have to admit, I was on the kids side. How do they expect all of those kids to sit still for two hours with nothing to do, while they tried to figure out what went wrong with the computer! Personally, I thought the kids handled it fairly well.

All in all, it was a long day! We didn't get out of there until 6pm! By time we got home, it was an 11 1/2 hour day. Considering I didn't get much sleep the night before, it was an especially long day.

Clara was there with Toby and Rindy, so that was nice. I always enjoy their company. Tyler loves to play with Toby and Rindy and Will played together. The boys always enjoy being with their cousins.

Overall, Tyler and Toby won 4 out of 6 games. Will and Rindy both won 3 out of 6 games. Tyler took 22 out of 90 in his age group! Which was great! He tied with a lot of people, but they grade it on how hard the people were that you play against. Tyler lost his first two games, but won the last four. Losing the first two dropped him down just a little. He was only two kids away from winning a bigger trophy. At first he wasn't too happy, but luckily he decided he was happy with his trophy. Will took about 40th out of 92. He did pretty good, but his last guy was really hard to beat.

It was a nice experience, but seeing how it took so long, I am kinda glad I get to wait a year before I have to do it again! The big trophy in the picture is the school trophy our school won. Our school took 5th place out of 52 schools, not bad.

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