2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Will's Arrow of Light Ceremony

Will earned his Arrow of Light awhile ago, we had the ceremony on March 17th to get his badge! This is the highest honor a cub scout can earn. It is one of the few badges that he can wear on both his cub scout shirt and his boy scout shirt.

Will has done a great job in Weblos. There are 20 pins the boys can earn and Will had earned a total of 15 pins! The majority of these we did by ourselves and not as a pack. To give you an idea how hard Will worked, the majority of the boys in his pack only have 5 pins. So congratulations Will!!! I'm proud of you!

We only found out about the ceremony several hours before it started, so only Will's Dad Bill could be there and myself. Dave was in Chicago and with only three hours notice, he couldn't make it home in time, although he really wanted to be there. Here are some pictures of Will's ceremony.

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