2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, March 6, 2010

My Natalie

This is my Natalie! I just got this picture of her yesterday! She is 14 years old. This is her 8th grade picture. I always love hearing from her! I only get her letters once a year, a little after her January birthday. In this letter I found out she is taller than me now, she is 5'8"! I am 5'7". She has always been tall! She has my hooded eyes! According to her Mom she has a lot of friends and makes friends easily wherever she goes. Sounds like she got that trait from my Dad!

She plays the piano, she hates piano recitals, they get her nervous. She started dance and is enjoying it. Little children love her and she is doing a lot of babysitting. She mentioned how she wishes she could babysit Will and Tyler, I wish she could too. She is like me and can't stand a mess. When she was younger, she would sleep on the floor, so she wouldn't mess up her bed! Can't imagine where she got that from :) I'll make the bed with Dave still in it! She is extremely organized. I like knowing she got some of my personality traits without being raised by me.

You would think it gets easier as time goes by, but in reality it gets harder. I miss her more and more each day. I long for all the little things in her life that I am missing. I don't regret giving her a better life, I just wish I could be a part of it.

Only five more years and then I can see her again! I have wonderful adoptive parents! They send a letter along with Natalie's each year and tell me all about her and how much they love her and how they can't wait for all of us to be together again!

I can't write about her or think about her without crying. . . I love you and miss you Natalie!

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