2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, March 6, 2010

3 legged Tasha

I love my cat! I feel really guilty that I am the reason she only has three legs! She still can't jump, but other than that she gets around just fine. Except for last night, she decided to make a rare trip outside. After not seeing her for three hours I got kinda worried about her. She always will come to me when I call. I started driving around the neighborhood to see if I could find her hurt or dead on the side of the road. For any of you that love pets, you can understand how you can get so worried about not being able to find your pet. After praying for help to find her, I got a feeling to look in a closed room that my cat doesn't have access to. Once I opened the door to our utility room I turned the light on and saw two glowing eyes outside in the window well. My curious cat jumped on down, for who knows what reason and of course she can't jump out, so she got stuck down there until I found her! I had to wake Dave up, because I couldn't reach down that far to grab her! The sad thing is my curious cat will not have learned her lesson, the next time something comes up where she can stick her head in, she will jump right in without thinking twice!

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