2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Jon and Kaylyn

This is Dave's oldest son Jon and his wonderful wife Kaylyn! Jon is creative and honest. He currently works at Hill Air Force Base and is doing a great job. He kicks butt at computer games and is always fun to be around.

Kaylyn is an angel and we are so happy to have her in our family. She is everything that is good, pure and sweet. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body. It would benefit me if I could try to be more like her!

They are expecting their first baby!!! We just found out a little over a week ago that they are having a baby girl! We are so very excited to have our first granddaughter! Her name will be Mariana Nicole! It's such a pretty name and sounds even better when Jon pronounces it! It is a Brazilian name, from where Jon went on his mission. We cant wait to meet her and spoil her! We love her already!

Dave has decided that we will forgo with the common name "Grandma and Grandpa," instead we will be known as Ga-mama and Ga-papa!

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