2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Time to bury the washer and dryer (April 10, 2010)

We'll, I have officially killed the washer. I am sure my husband is surprised that it took me this long to accomplish it. He constantly reminds me that I can't cram 10 pairs of levi's into one load. He claims he has had to fix the washer once a year since I came into his life. So we went to RC Willey and got this pretty pair. You can't replace one without replacing the other, so I also got a new dryer. Not only are they pretty, but this time I can cram 10 pairs of levi's in one load!!! Plus my wonderful dryer works in 1/2 the time of my old one! With all the new cool features and the wonderful time savings, I am happy my washer killed over!

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