2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Tyler's 3rd grade field trip (April 14, 2010)

I got the opportunity to go with Tyler on his field trip. It was downtown at the Discover Gateway. I alway's love being able to do stuff with my boys and their school. I love that they want me there with them. We had fun together. As you can see, they got to do a little rock climbing, they had a set that showed them how a newcast works. We got to use magnets, wind tunnels and much more.

Toby (Tyler's cousin, Kylie's youngest kid) is in Tyler's class. They are both currently in the 3rd grade. Every year, they have ended up in the same class. Which I think is great, because Tyler says Toby is his best friend. They get along really well and Tyler loves to play with him.

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