2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Yes, I still love my heels!!

As we were walking out the door to go to the piano recital, I stumbled in my 3" heels and fell down the stairs in our garage. In my defense, I was trying to give directions over the phone and not really paying attention to where I was going. Boy did it hurt! Dave was in the truck waiting for me when I fell. He ran over to me and carried me to the car so he could check for any breaks or injury. My entire left side bruised up. My knee, middle finger and ankle got the worst of it. My middle finger is still really purple and green and is now pointing way off to the side! Did I stop wearing heels you ask. . . nope, that night we went out and I just moved down to a 2" heel instead. The pictures don't show it very well, but you see where it started to bruise on part of my leg.

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