2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Michael Buble (March 31,2010)

I realize my blogs dates are not in order. . . I have no idea how to fix them, so if I happen to remember something that happened awhile ago, it will just have to be out of order :)

Michelle happened to have an extra ticket to Michael Buble's concert and I was the lucky winner to go with her! It was amazing! It was down in WVC at the E Center. There were so many people it was crazy, plus it didn't help that it was a sold out concert! Poor Michelle, with her hurt knee (not to mention pregnant) had to hike through a good chunk of the E Center parking lot. It was next to impossible to get a good parking spot.

I had not heard of Michael Buble until that night! He was so good, it was a great show! I absolutely loved it! It's one of those times where you just don't want the night to end. I found out that I love his music! When I got home, I downloaded his recent album on Itunes (Crazy Love). That album has been the only music I have had on since the concert, so for about a month now (I have it playing right now in the background while I write this)!

The opening group was extremely talented. I had not heard of them either. . . Their name is "Naturally 7." Their entire music is a Capella. They have a guy whose voice is the drum set. A guy whose voice is a trumpet, etc. . . It was really neat to watch them in real life! Now that is talent! Michelle and I pooled our cash resources after the concert, to buy their CD and have it signed by the group. The men were very humble and grateful for our praise, which made me only like them more.

If either group comes again Michelle, we gotta go! Thank you for an amazing night!

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