2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kiersten High School Graduation (May 24, 2010)

We are so proud of Kiersten! On Monday she graduated from High School! The graduation ceremony was held at Weber University. It was exciting to see her get her diploma. In a couple of months, she will be transferring beauty schools and will be attending Paula Mitchel Beauty Academy. There she will learn even more techniques and help increase her knowledge in how to do hair. She is doing an amazing job so far in her beauty school. She has cut all of our hair, colored Will's for him and has done a great job. We took Kiersten out to celebrate her graduation on Saturday. We went out to La Caille restaurant. It was a beautiful place. We even fed the peacocks! It was nice to go out just the three of us to celebrate.

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