2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Day Present (May 8, 2010)

Look close. . . Can you see the tree sticking out of my sunroof? My Mom wanted another Aspen tree to add to her collection. The nursery isn't too far away and Dave needed his truck, so I thought I would take my car. Well, the tree wouldn't come even close to fitting inside my car. So the nice little kid who worked at the nursery helped me stick it through my sunroof. I told my Mom of my wonderful plan to drive with the tree sticking out the top of my car. She seemed a little concerned that I would kill her tree with my driving. So for my Mom, I drove extra slow (only 30 mph). Even going that slow, the poor tree was whipping in the wind. It seemed like a rather long drive to get home. I thought for sure by time I got home all the leaves would be off or the trunk would snap in half. Luckily when it came time to take it to Mom's, we were able to use Dave's truck, which held the tree perfectly. So if the tree dies this year, we will all know why.

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