2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Will

Today is Will's birthday! This is his Dad's weekend, so we celebrated it last weekend. It was nice, we had my parents (Dave's parents were on a really cool over sea's vacation), Kiersten and Keenan, Jon and Kaylyn and Jason's girlfriend Marci and her son Coby over for dinner. Half of us played Phase 10 afterwards, which I lost miserably (even my 9 year old beat me), but it was fun anyways. The other half, of course, were playing Star Craft on the computers.

We gave Will an IPod Touch. Long story short, for Tyler's birthday, I told him he could get a PSP if he paid for half. Tyler didn't take me up on the offer, but sure enough, Will brought it up on his birthday, he wanted the same deal. He wanted an IPod touch, seeing how he already has a PSP. So I told him if he could come up with half, we would pay the other half. So for the first time in Will's life, he saved money :) Good job will!!! He saved $115 (ok, so we paid a little more than half for him)! I am very proud of him that when he is determined he can save money!

Happy Birthday my love!!! You permanently changed my life 11 years ago. I can not imagine this world without you in it. You are an amazing boy. I am so proud of the person you are. You are so smart. You are great at math. It comes so easily for you. I love to listen to you play the piano. It is defiantly one of your many talents. It has always come just natural to you. I love sitting around the corner, when you don't know I am there, just to listen to you play. Your chess tournaments have been so much fun to go too. You are really good at the smart stuff Will. You kick my butt in chess! I enjoy playing with you, even when I get creamed. You are good at making friends. You befriend anyone. You don't judge people, which makes you a great friend. You are great at taking care of little kids and helping others. Little kids have always just felt so comfortable around you, they just gravitate towards you! You'll make a great Dad. When you were little and in preschool, they had all the kids get up and say what they want to be when they grow up. All the other kids said they wanted to be a firemen or policemen. But you were different, you didn't just follow the other kids, you said you wanted to be a Dad. Even back then you knew you wanted to take care of kids :) I LOVE YOU!!!

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