2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Will's Boyscout Backpacking Trip (July 9, 2012)

I am grateful for boy scouts for many different reasons. My boys get to learn many helpful things and have a lot of fun. For this camp out, they backpacked in. I let Will borrow my super cool, super light backpacking equipment. He had the lightest pack of all the boys by far! At one point on the trail, Will switched his pack with another boy that was struggling with their heavier pack. Will is known for being thoughtful of others and very kind.

Will is the Deacon president right now. The bishop and many others have come up to me commenting on how good Will is. How he always very organized and tries hard to get all the boys involved. They tell me he is a good leader and that I should expect great things from him. I'm very proud of you Will. Currently, he has the most merit badges earned out of our entire ward scouts. He has a goal to earn all the merit badges. We are trying. He is at 43, so we only have 87 to go!

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