2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Grandma Roos's Halloween Party (Oct 19, 2012)

 We had Mariana with us that day, so she went with us to my parents house for the Halloween party. Look, Will and Mariana match! She had fun playing with all Will & Tyler's cousins.

The older grand kids got together and played a few hands of Phase 10. I'm rather impressed nobody got accused of cheating.

I love these traditions my Mom has made for her grand kids. I hope one day to be able to do the same for mine. Dave and I are starting to try to get some traditions. We have "Daddy dinner" the first Sunday of every month. Coming from divorced families is sometimes hard. His x wife is trying to hurry and claim every holiday she can, so we aren't left with that many options. I'm glad we already set up our dinners. It is so nice when we can get all the family together. We love it.

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