2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day hike with Kylie's family (Oct 20, 2012)


Kylie and Clara invited us to go on a beautiful, fall day hike with them. Dave had to work on our semi trucks, so the boys and I went without him. It was up the canyon by the Bountiful temple. What a pretty little hike. We left early in the morning, around 6:00 am. My boys were complaining a little about getting up so early to hike, but once they were with their cousins they loved it. The 5 kids were always ahead of us. The good thing about that was that we were able to take as many breaks as we wanted, which we did. The end of the hike takes you to elephant rock. Kylie crawled out there with the kids, while Clara and I watched from the trail.I really enjoyed this time with my brother and his family. We need to do it again.

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