2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Craft Time (2012)

Being home, I have found I have more time to work on crafts. Her are a few of my latest creations.

I made the wood creations with Marcy. I got to spend most of the day/night with her while we made crafts together. I had a lot of fun! She is much better at the wood crafts that I am and was a huge help to me.

 I made Mariana this owl hat. It makes me feel good because she really seems to like wearing it.

I had made my boys a set of Winnie the Pooh stuffed animals when they were young. When Mariana saw them, she thought they were for her and she started packing them up to go home. That also made me feel really good, so I decided to make her her own set for Christmas. They turned out pretty cute.

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