2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Kim & Dave truck driving trip 2 (Aug 13 - 16 2012)

 The California sand dunes were amazing! They are so pretty and unlike anything I have seen before. You could see the ripples in them as they move with the wind. They come out of nowhere really. It's a weird place for them to be really. You are just driving along the desert, then you come up to these beautiful sand dunes, then you are back to desert.

 David, gathering his courage to leave the nice air conditioned truck and go out into 115 degree temperate to unload. I had the nice excuse of them not allowing other people out and about their work area to stay inside the cool truck.

Our load delivered right on the US/Mexico boarder in Calexico. The mountains are in Mexico. It was very, very hot. I got out of the truck for only a few minutes and was hit by such a strong heat wave! Dave had to unstrap his load of solar panel posts out in this heat. I was surprised that the locals were not dieing of heat stroke. They must be used to this type of insane heat. Maybe they should come visit Utah now (January 2013) where we have single digit temperature and snow up to our knees. 

These two pictures are of the United States/Mexico boarder. It is not what I thought it would be. I think I've seen too many movies. I half expected to see armed drug men on the boarder. David wouldn't let me out of the truck to stick my hand through the fence.

This is in the southern end of Arizona, in Ajo. It was the prettiest desert I have ever seen. Much prettier than our sagebrush desert. It looked almost fake, like a painting. It was so hot, they didn't have the ugly desert bushes and plants that we have, it was just dirt and a few plants. Very cool.

Dave is such a good person. The guy in this picture got darn lucky. We got a call just outside of  Las Vegas Nevada from a truck driver Dave knew who needed help. The guy was unloading at a military base and didn't have his drivers license with him. Well, if you don't I.D. you can't come close to getting on base. The odds of us being within 20 miles to help him was extremely coincidental. So I waited on the side of the road in our truck while Dave went in and drove this guys truck for him so he could unload. #1 - my husband is a kind, helping man #2 - how on earth is this guy a truck driver if he isn't smart enough to carry his drivers license with him! With all the ports and cops, how on earth has he made it this far without ID??? I'm glad he is not driving for us.

Mt Shasta in California was very pretty. The water in the rivers were a turquoise color. They say it is from the minerals. It was a beautiful place.

We unloaded our black sand in Oregon. Oregon is always a beautiful place. It reminds me that we really do live in a desert.

 Of course, leaving Oregon you bring home wood.

 We went past a cool dam

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