2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My good friend Robyn (Aug 11, 2012)

 Kim and Robyn with her kids

Robyn is one of my closest friends growing up. After high school, she moved away to Washington. Whenever she comes to Utah, we try to get together. Growing up, Robyn was my strongest influence for good and for the gospel. When we were teenagers, her testimony and devotion was so strong. I would say it was one of the strongest (adults included) I have ever known. She really helped me build my own testimony and love for our Savior. She was sharing her thoughts and feeling about patriarchal blessings with me and was inspiration for me to obtain my blessing. She was such a good friend. I want my boys to have friends like her in their lives, to help build them up. Robyn was also the only friend I invited to the hospital to meet my daughter Natalie. When I first met Robyn, I felt as if I had already known her. It was a very strong feeling. I can recall those feelings today. We often wondered if we had been good friends in the pre- existance. I love you Robyn, always have, always will.

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