2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Will & Dad up at Boys Scout Camp New Fork (July 28th - Aug 4th, 2012)

Dave has been great and gone to Boy Scout camp with Will for the last 2 years. This year they went to Camp New Fork, located in New Fork Wyoming. Sometimes I can be a worried parent, sending my kids to camp for a week in the wilderness, tends to bring out my fear a little bit. With Dave there, I don't have the same stress. I know he will take care of our boys no matter what.

The first year Dave went, I loaned him my super cool, super light weight, super expensive backpacking sleeping bag. It is rated for 0 degrees. Besides the fact that my bag is super cool, he didn't like it. Dave complained and complained that my bag was horrible and that he froze his super cute butt off. So this year, he refused my offer of my bag and took his own. I bought him a pad at Smith & Edwards to sleep on, because Will (who appreciates my super cool backpacking equipment) took my light weight pad for himself. Well sometimes you can't do anything right, because Dave complained that the $50 pad was horrible and not only did he freeze, but the ground was so hard his back was killing him. Remember, this is coming from a man that spends most of his week sleeping in a truck. So I have made a promise to Dave that this upcoming year in 2013, I will spend the $100 plus dollars and buy him a real pad to sleep on.

Their camp
 Nathan Wood
 Chase Thompson, Lincoln Zierenberg, Leader Brett Barson

Will Pendleton, Leader Brett Barson, Nathan Wood
They had church on Sunday up at cam New Fork. Will is on the 2nd row on the right.
Here are the scouts at their wood carving merit badge class. Apparently the boys already started making their wood things on Sunday, but the teacher didn't believe they really made them and made them start all over!
Isn't my Will a good looking boy. Even after camping.
I love this picture Dave took of Will about to shoot his arrow! 
He could pass for Kevin Costner in "Robin Hood!"
The scouts and leaders canoed over to spend the night in a self made shelter. 
Will and Dave won the "race" across the lake.
Lincoln, Will, Kevin, Nathan & Chase in their man made shelter. 
Looks a little drafty, but they loved it!

Will swimming

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