2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I love my Mom

What can I say, I love my Mom and my boys love their Grandma! After Kiersten's graduation, my parent's came back to our house to play some games. The boy's had to practice the piano for the day, so my Mom sat down with them and helped them and played with them. It was really heartwarming for me to watch. I was sneaky and took some pictures. I'm sure Mom doesn't know about the pictures or I'm sure she wouldn't have cooperated!

Kiersten High School Graduation (May 24, 2010)

We are so proud of Kiersten! On Monday she graduated from High School! The graduation ceremony was held at Weber University. It was exciting to see her get her diploma. In a couple of months, she will be transferring beauty schools and will be attending Paula Mitchel Beauty Academy. There she will learn even more techniques and help increase her knowledge in how to do hair. She is doing an amazing job so far in her beauty school. She has cut all of our hair, colored Will's for him and has done a great job. We took Kiersten out to celebrate her graduation on Saturday. We went out to La Caille restaurant. It was a beautiful place. We even fed the peacocks! It was nice to go out just the three of us to celebrate.

Yes, I still love my heels!!

As we were walking out the door to go to the piano recital, I stumbled in my 3" heels and fell down the stairs in our garage. In my defense, I was trying to give directions over the phone and not really paying attention to where I was going. Boy did it hurt! Dave was in the truck waiting for me when I fell. He ran over to me and carried me to the car so he could check for any breaks or injury. My entire left side bruised up. My knee, middle finger and ankle got the worst of it. My middle finger is still really purple and green and is now pointing way off to the side! Did I stop wearing heels you ask. . . nope, that night we went out and I just moved down to a 2" heel instead. The pictures don't show it very well, but you see where it started to bruise on part of my leg.

Boy's summer piano recital (May 22, 2010)

On Saturday we had the boy's summer piano recital. They both did a great job! The boy's cousin Bella goes to the same teacher, so she played as well. She did a great job too and she also played a duet with the teacher. This was Tyler's 2nd ever piano recital. I think he was a little nervous, because he memorized his song a long time ago, but decided to read the piano music instead. He played his song perfectly! Good job Tyler!!! Will did a great job as well playing his song. It was a really neat sounding song, which requires him to move his hands all over the keyboard!

Will's state project (May 17, 2010)

For 5th grade, the kids have to do a state project. Which consists of a state poster board and state float. Will picked the state of Massachusetts, because he thinks the state looks like the shape of a gun. . . Being a parent, you pretty much put forth as much effort (if not a little more) than your student. I had to give him idea's to choose from, figure out how to make it work, etc. So for the wonderful state of Massachusetts, we decided to do the famous Boston Marathon for our float. We cut out tiny runners, glued them onto toothpicks and had them racing towards the finish line. It was fun, but I am glad it is done!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Job Hazard 2 (May 16, 2010)

What did I tell you. . . Seven months later and we have another mark on the head. . . Only one month from the smashed finger incident. Luckily, it looks like this one wont leave a permanent scar on his head, like our Harry Potter scar. Let's see how long we can go before we have another injury.

Tyler's Fort (May 22, 2010)

Tyler and Will decided to make a fort out of my couch. . . They enjoy creating fun things to play in.

Mother's Day Present (May 8, 2010)

Look close. . . Can you see the tree sticking out of my sunroof? My Mom wanted another Aspen tree to add to her collection. The nursery isn't too far away and Dave needed his truck, so I thought I would take my car. Well, the tree wouldn't come even close to fitting inside my car. So the nice little kid who worked at the nursery helped me stick it through my sunroof. I told my Mom of my wonderful plan to drive with the tree sticking out the top of my car. She seemed a little concerned that I would kill her tree with my driving. So for my Mom, I drove extra slow (only 30 mph). Even going that slow, the poor tree was whipping in the wind. It seemed like a rather long drive to get home. I thought for sure by time I got home all the leaves would be off or the trunk would snap in half. Luckily when it came time to take it to Mom's, we were able to use Dave's truck, which held the tree perfectly. So if the tree dies this year, we will all know why.

Tyler's school project (May 7, 2010)

In 3rd grade, they have all the kids make something to sell. The kids, parents and teachers all buy the stuff with play money. Kiersten, Will, Will's friend and I all helped Tyler make 100 beanbags. It took the majority of our Friday night. Hours later we completed the project and Tyler is happy with his product to sell!

Will's 1st day in Boy Scouts (May 5, 2010)

It's hard to believe my guy has already made it through cub scouts and is about to embark in boy scouts! I've attempted to read the boy scout book and it looks like it is a lot harder than Webelos. Will finished Webelos with a record number of pins for our ward. He got 13 out of 17! We are aiming to have his Eagle by time he is 14 years old!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Will

Today is Will's birthday! This is his Dad's weekend, so we celebrated it last weekend. It was nice, we had my parents (Dave's parents were on a really cool over sea's vacation), Kiersten and Keenan, Jon and Kaylyn and Jason's girlfriend Marci and her son Coby over for dinner. Half of us played Phase 10 afterwards, which I lost miserably (even my 9 year old beat me), but it was fun anyways. The other half, of course, were playing Star Craft on the computers.

We gave Will an IPod Touch. Long story short, for Tyler's birthday, I told him he could get a PSP if he paid for half. Tyler didn't take me up on the offer, but sure enough, Will brought it up on his birthday, he wanted the same deal. He wanted an IPod touch, seeing how he already has a PSP. So I told him if he could come up with half, we would pay the other half. So for the first time in Will's life, he saved money :) Good job will!!! He saved $115 (ok, so we paid a little more than half for him)! I am very proud of him that when he is determined he can save money!

Happy Birthday my love!!! You permanently changed my life 11 years ago. I can not imagine this world without you in it. You are an amazing boy. I am so proud of the person you are. You are so smart. You are great at math. It comes so easily for you. I love to listen to you play the piano. It is defiantly one of your many talents. It has always come just natural to you. I love sitting around the corner, when you don't know I am there, just to listen to you play. Your chess tournaments have been so much fun to go too. You are really good at the smart stuff Will. You kick my butt in chess! I enjoy playing with you, even when I get creamed. You are good at making friends. You befriend anyone. You don't judge people, which makes you a great friend. You are great at taking care of little kids and helping others. Little kids have always just felt so comfortable around you, they just gravitate towards you! You'll make a great Dad. When you were little and in preschool, they had all the kids get up and say what they want to be when they grow up. All the other kids said they wanted to be a firemen or policemen. But you were different, you didn't just follow the other kids, you said you wanted to be a Dad. Even back then you knew you wanted to take care of kids :) I LOVE YOU!!!

Tyler's 3rd grade field trip (April 14, 2010)

I got the opportunity to go with Tyler on his field trip. It was downtown at the Discover Gateway. I alway's love being able to do stuff with my boys and their school. I love that they want me there with them. We had fun together. As you can see, they got to do a little rock climbing, they had a set that showed them how a newcast works. We got to use magnets, wind tunnels and much more.

Toby (Tyler's cousin, Kylie's youngest kid) is in Tyler's class. They are both currently in the 3rd grade. Every year, they have ended up in the same class. Which I think is great, because Tyler says Toby is his best friend. They get along really well and Tyler loves to play with him.

My little helpers

Dad gave the boys a job of bringing in the salt for the water softener. The bags were 50 pounds each. The boys decided not to help each other, instead they decided to be super boys and try it all alone.

I let them figure it out for themselves. They were able to get the bags in from the garage, down the stairs and into the back room all by themselves (although I thought I saw them using a skate board for part of it)!

Easter 2010

Here are my little guys at Easter time! We had fun coloring eggs. . . I am not very good at it. My egg's would sit in the dye for 20 mins and still be a light shade! Next year I will just color mine in with crayons! The boys had fun with the glue, stickers and fuzz. Happy Easter!!

Job hazard (April 2010)

My hubby seems to think he can beat himself up on the job! He comes home with more bruises and cuts than I would care to see on him. He definitely is a man, because these "little" things don't slow him down in the slightest. He doesn't even scream out in pain. Good job of being tough honey! This was a couple of weeks ago and the swelling still hasn't gone down.

Case in point about my husband and safety issues with his body parts. . . . Here is Dave in October with a crow bar to the head. . . Did this slow him down you might ask? Why no, he kept finishing his work before he went to hospital :) I call this his "Harry Potter" scar. I tried to get him to go as Harry Potter for Halloween :)

Michael Buble (March 31,2010)

I realize my blogs dates are not in order. . . I have no idea how to fix them, so if I happen to remember something that happened awhile ago, it will just have to be out of order :)

Michelle happened to have an extra ticket to Michael Buble's concert and I was the lucky winner to go with her! It was amazing! It was down in WVC at the E Center. There were so many people it was crazy, plus it didn't help that it was a sold out concert! Poor Michelle, with her hurt knee (not to mention pregnant) had to hike through a good chunk of the E Center parking lot. It was next to impossible to get a good parking spot.

I had not heard of Michael Buble until that night! He was so good, it was a great show! I absolutely loved it! It's one of those times where you just don't want the night to end. I found out that I love his music! When I got home, I downloaded his recent album on Itunes (Crazy Love). That album has been the only music I have had on since the concert, so for about a month now (I have it playing right now in the background while I write this)!

The opening group was extremely talented. I had not heard of them either. . . Their name is "Naturally 7." Their entire music is a Capella. They have a guy whose voice is the drum set. A guy whose voice is a trumpet, etc. . . It was really neat to watch them in real life! Now that is talent! Michelle and I pooled our cash resources after the concert, to buy their CD and have it signed by the group. The men were very humble and grateful for our praise, which made me only like them more.

If either group comes again Michelle, we gotta go! Thank you for an amazing night!

Time to bury the washer and dryer (April 10, 2010)

We'll, I have officially killed the washer. I am sure my husband is surprised that it took me this long to accomplish it. He constantly reminds me that I can't cram 10 pairs of levi's into one load. He claims he has had to fix the washer once a year since I came into his life. So we went to RC Willey and got this pretty pair. You can't replace one without replacing the other, so I also got a new dryer. Not only are they pretty, but this time I can cram 10 pairs of levi's in one load!!! Plus my wonderful dryer works in 1/2 the time of my old one! With all the new cool features and the wonderful time savings, I am happy my washer killed over!