2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Temple Sealing Day (Oct 9, 2010)

Being sealed to David in the Logan temple is one of the happiest days of my life. It was a day we had both looked forward to with great anticipation and with much joy. It was the first time either of us had been to the Logan temple, this has made that temple very special to us.

It was a perfect day! My boys were thrilled to sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa Roos', which gave Dave and I a nice opportunity to have some quality time together driving up to the temple. All of the attendants at the temple were absolutely amazing! They treated me with such great care and they all were so excited for Dave and I to be sealed in their temple. It was funny afterward, when I told Dave about the room they give to the women to get ready in, who are getting sealed. We got our own separate lockers, a nice separate waiting room with comfortable chairs, our own mirror with our name on it, big mirrors, and drinks. Dave told me that the guys use the normal lockers, do not wait in a special room and he did not get anything to drink :)

We felt this was a sacred, special event, so we decided to only invite immediate family members. It was funny when my Mom turned to me in the sealing room and asked me if I invited anybody from our ward. For a moment I wondered if my Mom worried that I hadn't made any friends in my ward. I do have many wonderful women in our ward that I admire and look up to, but we wanted to keep it between close family.

I loved being able to look around the room and see the people I love the most there across from me. Of course, the most important person in this room was my David. It was amazing to sit beside this wonderful man and know that he loved me enough to want me for eternity, the same way I wanted him. . . forever. Our time in the Celestial Room, alone together, I will never, ever forget. I was crying, which made it hard to get through. I am amazed that David was able to understand me.

The first thing I saw as we exited the temple together, were my two boys running towards me. . . This is what life is all about. It is about family, it is about doing our very best in this life so we can deserve to live with our family in the next life. That's all I want. I want to live righteously enough that the lords find me worthy to not only live with him again, but my husband, my child, my grandchildren.

I love you David and I will work hard the rest of my life to be able to deserve such a great husband like you. You are a wonderful example to me of love, kindness, forgiveness, strength, humor (that I still don't get) and every other trait that is admirable. I am so thankful the lord felt the need to challenge you with me and allowed me to find you. I could not ask for a better partner in life.

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