2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mariana baby blessing (Nov 7, 2010)

It was a very emotional day, watching my step-son Jon give Mariana a baby blessing. I enjoyed watching Dave get up in the circle to join with the other brothers in the priesthood as they performed this special ordinance.

How lucky am I to have a husband who is strong and obedient in the church, who is worthy to live up to his priesthood duty. I am grateful my sons have such good examples of what type of men they should become.

I always say this, but I'll say it again, we are very grateful for our little Ana and we love her with all our hearts.We are also very grateful for Kaylyn and the strength and love she brings to our family. Kaylyn is a very strong woman of God and is a great example to me. I admire your courage and devotion to what is right.

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