2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Halloween (Oct 30, 2010)

This was my third year in a row to not have my kids for Halloween. This is also my third year in a row to cry about not having my kids for Halloween. My x made a nice compromise with me though and allowed me to take the boys to my Mom's house and up her street, before bringing them back to him. I was very grateful for that opportunity to not miss out on Halloween memories with my boys.

Halloween turned out to be freezing cold, which included rain. I left Dave at my Mom's nice warm house and ventured out with the boys with nothing more than a jacket and my Mom's borrowed umbrella. I had a lot of fun with my boys in the freezing cold though. I was just happy to be with them, sharing part of that holiday with them. The houses we stopped at were very generous with giving them candy, so in no time at all, they had a ton of candy, from only a handful of houses. Will got a lot of comments that he was scary to look at :)

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