2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Truck Trip (June 23, 2010) Truck Repair Colorado

In the middle of nowhere, while we were listening to the audio book "Host" by Stephenie Meyer, the truck started making this annoying, continuous beeping sound. We were on a tiny road, that had farms as far as you could see, in every direction. The road was so small, that there was no room for us to pull over without taking up the entire road, or wiping out a good chunk of a crop. Dave surmised that it was just low water in the radiator so we kept driving with the irritating sound. We finally made it to a small town in Colorado that had a park large enough that we could park next to it.

Dave opened the hood and all this steam came pouring out of a hose that was leaking. It turned out to be a water hose for the heater to the sleeper. It was an easy fix. Seeing how it is summer, we don't need the heater, so Dave just shut off the hose and we made several trips to the park to fill the radiator back with water.

In comparison to previous years and "accidents" that always seem to happen when I am with Dave, I count us lucky that it was something this minor. Especially for those of you who remember how two year ago we got stuck in West Virgina for two weeks, instead of one, due to one of the front tires about to fall off. Or the time three years ago, when I had to fly home from Arizona, to make it to work on time, due to some complication that caused Dave to be stuck there and extra day or two. Then when I went to fly home, we found I didn't have my drivers license on me (I didn't think I would need it, seeing how I obviously wasn't going to be driving the semi truck) and Jason had to fedex it to me so I could fly home.

Needless to say, Dave makes me bring my drivers license with me now, every time I go with him. Which happened to come in handy that same year when were in West Virginia and got pulled over by a bored, mean cop and I had to prove who I was. The cop got us for being out of hours and grounded us for 10 hours in that small town. If I wasn't a woman, who happened to need a bathroom, he would have grounded us right there at the port parking lot. This might be the only time I can say I was grateful for having"mother nature" pay a visit, because it was the only reason we were allowed to go to a parking lot in town, that was within walking distance of bathroom (which also made it so we could buy food).

I could go on and on with all our little "bumps" when I go with him. But regardless of the hurdles Dave has to endure when I travel with him. I absolutely love it! I cherish that undivided time I get to spend with him each year! I am already looking forward to next year!

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