2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, June 19, 2010


I love music. I am also a very repetitious person. I can listen to the same C.D. and nothing else for 8 months straight and not get bored. I can listen to the same song for hours and hours on repeat. I found another one of those songs that I love to have on repeat. I heard it first in church. In church I heard the Michael Mclean version, which brought me to tears in Relief Society. On Itunes I could only find the version sung by a women on the Michael Mclean's C.D. "Tender Mercies." The song is called "Ninety and Nine. "You may not like the music at first, give it a chance and listen to it several times if you need to. It is a great song about how the lord doesn't only love the lost lamb that he goes to find. He loves the other 99 lambs that never left and try everyday to do their best.

I also am learning to love the "Eclipse" movie soundtrack. I found that when I watched "Twilight" the first time, I thought the music was really bad. So for "New Moon" I did what I do best and once I got the soundtrack in the mail, that was the only thing I listened to until the movie came out. By that time I loved the songs and when I heard them in the movie, I wasn't thinking what a stupid song. So I decided to do the same thing for "Eclipse." The first time I listened to the C.D. , I was dreading having to listen to it again. It got better and so far I love songs 1-5 & 9. My sister Michelle thinks I am crazy, but I will be the only one in the theater not irritated by the music, so jump on board Michelle and hit repeat:)

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