2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Truck Trip with Dave (June 2011)

This year I got to go to Washington, only a couple miles from the Canadian border and to Chicago IL with Dave in our semi-truck! It was so much fun! Although the twisty, limited sight, mountain roads of Washington got me a little motion sick. It sure is beautiful up North. The majority of where we went however, the rivers were overflowing. It made me grateful for where I live.

It is always fun to drive through Chicago. Although, it took us hours to go only a couple of miles. . . I think I would go insane or have extreme road rage if my commute were always that horribly long.

I always enjoy my truck trips with my husband. It is nice to get the one on one time with him.

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