2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Flood nightmare (July 25, 2011)

It all happened when Tyler went downstairs to watch a movie on the big screen. Somehow, it always makes me nervous when the boys say "Mom you need to come look at this." Nothing good has ever come after those words have been spoken to me from my kids. Tyler proceeded to show me how when he put his foot in front of the TV, it was covered with water! I quickly noticed all the carpet around the TV was drenched. Dave was at a bachelor party for his son Jason, playing pool, when I called and said "get home now, our basement is flooded." Bless his heart, he hurried and finished his round (which is great that he answered in the first place on my first time calling if he was in the middle of his turn) then left to hurry home. As a side note, Dave's boys said that his pool was much better when he was all of the sudden in stress and in a hurry.

Dave wanted to somehow salvage the completely drenched carpet. This is when you can tell your spouse truly knows you. It did not take long for my husband to access my mood and my opinion on saving the carpet. So, within min's my husband had a knife and was cutting the carpet into small sections so I could carry it outside to be trashed. It's surprising how heavy drench carpet truly is!

After price shopping, I have decided to hold off onto getting new carpet. Which is a bigger surprise to me than anybody. I have been dying to rip out and replace that old, yucky carpet. I hate berber carpet! But, my practical side won out and I think I'll hold off for a few months.

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