2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Will and the Aaronic Priesthood (May 4, 2011)

Will received the Aaronic Priesthood 3 days after his 12th birthday. It was a very special occasion. His Grandma & Grandpa Roos and Grandma & Grandpa Buck came over for the event. His Dad Dave gave him the priesthood. There is nothing like watching your husband give your son the priesthood along with a father's blessing, especially when it is a joined family. It warmed my heart and touched my soul. I will never forget this day or the words David said to my William. I am so proud of my son and my husband for being worthy to hold the priesthood. I now have two priesthood holders in my house!

To celebrate Will getting his priesthood, we went to the Logan temple and did baptisms for the dead. For years I have been telling my boys when they turned 12, I would take them out of school and we would go to a temple of their choice to do baptisms for the dead. Will's birthday falls towards the end of school, so we had to plan it on a day when they were not doing testing during school. So on Tuesday May 10, Will and I drove to the Logan temple.

The temple was absolutely beautiful! The first time I entered the Logan temple was to be sealed to my wonderful husband David and now, my second time to enter the Logan temple was for my son's first time to do temple work. So needless to say, the Logan temple holds a very special place in my heart.

The workers there are absolutely amazing! They took great care of me and my son. A nice older man who works there took my son aside, seeing how it was his first time to do baptisms for the dead and talked to him about the importance of what he was about to do. He gave great words of wisdom and great promises if Will remains worthy to enter the temple.

I did baptisms with him. It had been such a long time since I had done this particular ordinance. It brought tears to my eyes when I watched Will walk into the font. The water was so high, it almost came up to his neck. When Will was done, he was saying how he wanted to go again. So now we are planning our next trip to the Salt Lake temple. Our goal is to go together 12 times a year and hit as many different temples as we can (in Utah that shouldn't be to hard)!

Thank you for such a wonderful day William and such precious memories. I love you and am so very proud of the man you are becoming. You are my light and joy in life.

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