2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am a business owner!!! (January 2011)

Dave and I are official business owners! I am the president of our company Buck Trucking. For years and years Dave ran his own payroll business. Right after we got married, he went working for his father's trucking company as a driver. We have had many talks about our financial future and the timing was just right for us to buy our own truck and start our own company. After shopping around for a truck, Dave's Dad asked us why we don't just buy the truck Dave is currently driving from him. That made it so Dave will get to keep the same truck that he has put a lot of time and sweat into, so that made him happy.

Dave is amazing and was able to file all the endless paper work to get us up and running! There is a lot that needs to be done to start up a business and Dave was great with all of it! Most people would have been overwhelmed and just paid somebody to file it for them.

It was very exciting the first trip that was "ours." It is a nice feeling that all your hard work and effort goes straight into helping you and your family. It has gone just as planned and I was able to cut back my hours at work! For me this is a life saver! I am not exhausted anymore and work is a lot more tolerable! I no longer fall asleep helping my kids with their homework. I also find I am a lot happier at work and at home. With Dave being gone all week, sometimes I get overwhelmed with work, the boys school, homework, scouts, piano lessons, chess club, etc. . . This gives me more time to get everything done.

Cutting back my hours at work has also allowed us to drop daycare. For the first time since my divorce, my kids are not in daycare!!! That made me so happy I cried! I never wanted them to have to be in daycare and it is a huge relief to have them home where they belong! I get to take them to school in the morning for the first time ever. It sounds silly, but means a great deal to me.

I feel so blessed and grateful Dave and I have this opportunity. Dave's parents have been absolutely amazing through it all. They have supported us every step in the way in starting up a separate business from them. Their love and support mean everything to me and Dave.

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