2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Buck Christmas Eve Party (Dec 24, 2010)

Kiersten with Santa. . . Dave said when she was a little girl she would always say she wanted to marry Santa Clause. Well here's your chance Santa to have a beautiful, young wife!!!

Kiersten's boyfriend Keenan was good enough to pose for a picture with Santa. We really like Keenan. He is a good sport.

Tyler looks absolutely thrilled to be having his picture with Santa. I'm curious to know what it is that Tyler would ask for. . .

Will sitting on Santa's lap. He's probably worried about trying to still look cool while sitting on his lap.

My Grandson is such a cute boy. He is always happy to see us! I am so grateful he is in our lives. 

Kaylyn, Jon and Mariana. Mariana is so much fun! She looks like she has had a long day!

Marcie, Jason and Coby. Don't they look so happy! They have recently moved to Wyoming. We miss being able to see them as often. We are looking forward to their wedding this summer!
Our two Grand-kids together for Christmas at our house.

We always have fun at Dave's parents house for Christmas Eve. Every year they have a family talent show. At first we never had anything to do, so I am glad the boys are in piano, so they can do it for us. The games are fun, but most of all, it is really nice to be together with all the family.

This year my family got together on Christmas Day. It was nice to have that time with my family and celebrate together!

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