2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I am a business owner!!! (January 2011)

Dave and I are official business owners! I am the president of our company Buck Trucking. For years and years Dave ran his own payroll business. Right after we got married, he went working for his father's trucking company as a driver. We have had many talks about our financial future and the timing was just right for us to buy our own truck and start our own company. After shopping around for a truck, Dave's Dad asked us why we don't just buy the truck Dave is currently driving from him. That made it so Dave will get to keep the same truck that he has put a lot of time and sweat into, so that made him happy.

Dave is amazing and was able to file all the endless paper work to get us up and running! There is a lot that needs to be done to start up a business and Dave was great with all of it! Most people would have been overwhelmed and just paid somebody to file it for them.

It was very exciting the first trip that was "ours." It is a nice feeling that all your hard work and effort goes straight into helping you and your family. It has gone just as planned and I was able to cut back my hours at work! For me this is a life saver! I am not exhausted anymore and work is a lot more tolerable! I no longer fall asleep helping my kids with their homework. I also find I am a lot happier at work and at home. With Dave being gone all week, sometimes I get overwhelmed with work, the boys school, homework, scouts, piano lessons, chess club, etc. . . This gives me more time to get everything done.

Cutting back my hours at work has also allowed us to drop daycare. For the first time since my divorce, my kids are not in daycare!!! That made me so happy I cried! I never wanted them to have to be in daycare and it is a huge relief to have them home where they belong! I get to take them to school in the morning for the first time ever. It sounds silly, but means a great deal to me.

I feel so blessed and grateful Dave and I have this opportunity. Dave's parents have been absolutely amazing through it all. They have supported us every step in the way in starting up a separate business from them. Their love and support mean everything to me and Dave.

Dave playing piano (Jan 30, 2011)

When I first met Dave, I was very impressed by how he would play the piano for me. I still love it when he sits down to play. So I took this picture for myself to save this memory. 

Food Storage (Jan 29, 2011)

Dave found these shelves online. I immediately fell in love with them and thought it was a great idea for food storage, so when I found them in Walmart a week later, I had to have them! I bought two and Dave graciously assembled them for us. It's amazing how the boys are so much more willing to help put the groceries away!

Natalie's 15th Birthday (Jan 27, 2011)

Every year we have cake for Natalie on her birthday. It is very hard to imagine she is 15 years old! This time of year always reminds me of how much I miss her. . . how much I long to see her, to hold her. Only three years to go.

Science Fair (Jan 26, 2011)

6th graders have to participate in the school science fair. Will had fun doing it. He chose the subject of  "Will ice melt faster than snow." It was surprising how long it took the ice to melt. Seeing how we had to time it, we decided to turn on the fireplace to help speed up the process :) I am glad I still have two years until it's Tyler turn to do one.

Babysitting Joy's (Jan 21, 2011)

Will loves his cousins. . . Max and Zoey

Will and Tyler found great ways to entertain their cousins. . . 

Max and Zoey are always fun to watch. They LOVE our fish! The get so excited to watch the fish swim back and forth. I will be sad when my brother moves to Provo. I wont get to watch his kids nearly often enough.

34th Birthday (December 29, 2010)

It is hard to image I am 34 years old! Time goes by fast. With each passing year, it makes me reflect on my life. I hope I can be the best person I can be, so I can have my family with me on the other side. I love my family, I love the gospel, I love the peace I have from my knowledge of where I came from, where I am now and where I am going in the next life. I am so grateful the Lord sent me to a loving, active family. My parents have been amazing examples for me. I only hope I can be just as good of examples to my boys.

I love my husband. I couldn't ask for a better partner to share my life and eternity with. He truly is my better half. There is not a day that goes by where I am not eternally grateful for my husband. I am grateful that he not only puts up with me and my strong personality, but that he actually loves me for the way I am.

Will and Tyler are the light of my life. I love my boys! There are my world! I can't wait to meet their sister Natalie again and have her be part of our family again.Only three years to go and counting!

Christmas Day (Dec 25, 2010)

Will tried waking us up at 5:00 in the morning. Dave and I had gotten to bed extremely late, so I made Will wait one more hour until 6:00 am. Will got a big stuff animal to use as a pillow on his bed. He has so much crap on his bed, I'm surprised he fits in it! One of these times I'll take a picture to prove it! He got the lego airport set, lego garage set, he got a silver rip-stick and Star Craft II.

Tyler's gift pile might look smaller, but that is because he got a 36GB I-Pod touch  for Christmas. He has been waiting for months to get his own, ever since Will got one for his birthday. The beauty about being last and having to wait, it that you get a newer model. So Tyler's model has a camera on both the front and back, a video camera and a better screen than Will's. Tyler also got a lego firetruck, lego utility truck, rocks in clay that he gets to dig out and Star Craft II.

Dad wasn't that awake for opening presents! This is the hat and scarf the boys got him. When he finally woke up, we changed spots. I fell asleep on the chair while he cooked breakfast.

Tasha wound her away around the mess so she could hide under the tree. She is so dark, she almost blends in. 

Will building his airplane.

Cousin's. . . Tyler, Bella and Will and my parents house Christmas Day.

Tyler getting a hair cut and Tyler with Tasha (Dec 24, 2010)

Tyler (well both my boys actually) absolutely loves his sister Kiersten! She has always been so good to them! They get so happy when she comes over to see them!

The boys also love our cat. . .  It has been a year since the accident where she lost her leg. She finally has gotten brave enough to attempt jumping up on our couches. Now she will jump to the couch and from the couch to the bed. Which is a very nice change, for a year now, she has just been crying for us to tell us if she wants up or down.

Buck Christmas Eve Party (Dec 24, 2010)

Kiersten with Santa. . . Dave said when she was a little girl she would always say she wanted to marry Santa Clause. Well here's your chance Santa to have a beautiful, young wife!!!

Kiersten's boyfriend Keenan was good enough to pose for a picture with Santa. We really like Keenan. He is a good sport.

Tyler looks absolutely thrilled to be having his picture with Santa. I'm curious to know what it is that Tyler would ask for. . .

Will sitting on Santa's lap. He's probably worried about trying to still look cool while sitting on his lap.

My Grandson is such a cute boy. He is always happy to see us! I am so grateful he is in our lives. 

Kaylyn, Jon and Mariana. Mariana is so much fun! She looks like she has had a long day!

Marcie, Jason and Coby. Don't they look so happy! They have recently moved to Wyoming. We miss being able to see them as often. We are looking forward to their wedding this summer!
Our two Grand-kids together for Christmas at our house.

We always have fun at Dave's parents house for Christmas Eve. Every year they have a family talent show. At first we never had anything to do, so I am glad the boys are in piano, so they can do it for us. The games are fun, but most of all, it is really nice to be together with all the family.

This year my family got together on Christmas Day. It was nice to have that time with my family and celebrate together!

December piano recital (Dec 18, 2010)

The boys did really well at their piano recital. I am always proud of how they will get up in front of people and play for them. They both have a lot of talent in piano and I can't wait to see how even better they will be in a couple of years. Their cousin Bella goes to the same teacher. She did a great job as well!

Gingerbread house fun (Dec 5, 2010)

The boys had fun making a mess building a gingerbread house. I enjoy our family activities!

Festival of Trees (Dec 2, 2010)

The 6th graders went on a field trip to the festival of trees. I am so grateful Will is still okay with having his Mom go on his field trips with him. Some ladies in my ward told me when their boys were in 6th grade, they didn't want their Mom's to go with them on the field trips. I love taking this small time out of my day to be with my boys. The two of us had a lot of fun! These pictures were some of our favorite items there.

Buck Family Thanksgiving Dinner (Nov 28th, 2010)

These are pictures from our own little family Thanksgiving dinner. We always enjoy it when we can have our family over for "Daddy dinner."