2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Friday, August 6, 2010

Grandpa Roos (July 4, 2010 & Dec 30, 2009)

My Grandpa Charlie Roos died before I started blogging. I decided to go back and add some of his funeral pictures. I love my Grandpa. I miss my Grandma and Grandpa very much. I am happy they are finally together again. My Dad gave a really good talk at my Grandpa's funeral. My Dad is a very good speaker. He didn't write anything down, he gave his talk completely off memory! He had us all moved by the time he was done.
When we went up to Idaho Falls for the fireworks this summer and stopped by his graveside. They placed a new tombstone on his grave, to commemorate my Grandpa serving in World War II.  

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