2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Friday, August 6, 2010

Eclipse movie (June 30, 2010) Kim, Michelle & Becca

After months and months of waiting, we finally got to see our much anticipated movie. Ignore the picture, I look like crap. But in my defense, it was like 3 am in the morning. Becca was good enough to get our tickets for us. I was supposed to be the one to stay awake till midnight to pre-purchase our tickets. Well, that was a dumb plan (it was my plan)! I get up for work at 5 am, so I slept right through my 12 am alarm and missed it. Good thing Becca is a night owl and she got our tickets. I have had a lot of fun going to the "New Moon" and "Eclipse" midnight movies with my sisters. These are probably the only movies I am willing to stay up late for to go see at midnight. The energy at the theater is fun. You have a ton of screaming girls, who are excited to see the movie. It's very different from just going to the movies. I'm grateful for these memories with my sisters. Michelle was extremely pregnant when we went to see this movie. She only had about 4 weeks left until her due date. So she was a good sport to go. I think I got her a little sick on the drive there and the drive home. Sorry Michelle, believe it or not, that was me trying to drive good for you!

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