2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Sunday, August 5, 2012

I am scuba certified

Last Thursday I finished the last 3 of my 5 scuba certification classes. It went really well! It was so much fun!
Our final scuba classes were held up at the Homestead Crater. For our Saturday class, I car pooled with Kiersten and Keenan. We had to leave at 4:15 am to be there on time. We were in the water around 6 am. The water in the crater was about 92 degrees. Which sounds really nice, but when you are under the water 20 mins each time, it starts to get really hot. We were scheduled to do 3 dives that day. Each dive was 20 mins and then we sat out of the water 20 mins in between.

When we first went down 20 feet to the "platform" (which is just piping held together in a square shape) I got motion sickness. It was sickening to see the others in my class floating. It really does something to your depth perception. So between with the extreme heat, motion sickness and not eating that day, I got really sick to my stomach and very light headed. In my head I was just counting down until I could get out of the water and wondering how I was going to finish the rest of the dives.

Once the first dive was over, I had to sit out the 2nd dive because I couldn't sit up. I laid on the platform praying for my head to stop spinning. I forced myself to do the 3rd dive. It was a little better, not much. On that day, I filled my mask partially and had to drain it. I did an emergency out of air assent and compass work.

Needless to say, I was nervous for Thursday's 3 dives. I was hoping it wouldn't be as bad as my first attempt at the crater. The swimming pools sessions for all our lessons were great and so much fun! I wasn't expecting to not like the crater. I decided to be more prepared for the heat by making sure I was hydrated. I ate a good meal before and took motion sickness medicine an hour before hand.

The diving was great! I loved it! Each time we were down, it wasn't long enough, I wanted to stay down longer! The first dive I had to completely take my mask off and put it back in. It was very easy and didn't make me nervous at all. Which was a blessing, because that was the reason I almost didn't take the classes, because at first I couldn't clear my mask without chocking on water. I also did a buddy assent, switch out regulator, use buddy breathing, pivot on fins, etc.

The instructor didn't pay attention to time, so our first dive that should have lasted only 20 min's, actually ended up lasting closer to 40. We had to shorten our 2nd dive to 10 mins. On our 3rd dive, the instructors took us down to the bottom of the crater, 60 feet. I thought it would be scary, because it was kinda dark in there, but it wasn't scary at all. It took me longer to get down than the rest because I was having trouble clearing my right ear. I finally got down and the rest had already been down to bottom and were doing their rest time at 40 feet. The instructor sent them back up to 20 feet to wait for us and took me down to the bottom. It was cool and I was proud of myself that I made it. I was proud of myself that I was able to overcome my fear and enjoy it.

I love my split fins. I spent an hour in the scuba shop with my instructors and some of my class mates trying to decide between a normal fin and a split fin. I also love my purge mask. I am very glad I didn't get the traditional mask. My 13 year old wants to get the certified and earn the scuba merit badge. I'm a little nervous about having my kid under water, but I might as well. Dave, Jon, Kaylyn, Jason, Kiersten, Keenan and now myself are all scuba certified. Tyler said he might even try it.

The two guys were our instructors. Kenny Hanson from our ward & his work partner.
  Keenan & Kiersten

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