2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Friday, March 2, 2012

Christmas 2011

Tyler with his present pile from "Santa."

Will with his present pile from "Santa."

 Tyler with his gifts. Lego's Pirates of the Caribbean ship, I Pod touch charger/player, gold rocks in clay, break open your own geode rocks, wireless mouse for his computer, lego helicopter, very soft blanket, lego people. Apparently I didn't get a picture with Will and his gifts. He got his laptop, band music holder and lego people.

David wanted a torch for Christmas. I am still not sure what he will use it for, but hey, he was happy so as long as he doesn't blow up anything I care about we're all good. 

Dave modeling his new torch safety glasses. 

Apparently I am good at not getting into pictures. Once, 7 years ago Dave took some pictures of me. I looked absolutely horrid, so I tore them up before I had to share my embarrassment with anybody else. Since then, Dave wont take my picture, saying I will just destroy them. So, I am not in any pictures, unless my boys take them. For Christmas Dave got me a professional hair/makeup artist. I get to go to her for 3 sessions and on the last session, Dave hired me a photographer to take pictures of me. This is very sweet and personal. He knows me and know my self esteem can be a tad lacking at times. He wanted me to have a picture where I could feel beautiful. I hope it turns out. I'm not very photogenic, so I'm nervous. This will by far be the most intimidating thing I have ever done. 

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