2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Friday, March 2, 2012

Boy scouts "lets camp in the freezing cold" trip (Jan 27, 2012)

This was Will's first year to do winter camping with the scouts. They went out to Antelope Island for their camp out. I spent a little over a $100 buying him clothes to keep his 0% body fat body warm! He liked it though. He had a good time and didn't freeze to death. Our new bishop went out to visit the boys and he said at church on Sunday that it was very, very cold. I'm grateful for scouts. They teach my boys a lot of worthwhile stuff.

Newest Nephew! Riley Roos (Jan 22, 2012)

Riley Roos

Mom (Trudy Roos)

Dad (Vinn Roos)

Me (Kim Buck)

Proud Dad (Ricky Roos)

My new nephew is so cute! I love watching my brother with his family. I am so happy for him and that he has everything he has always wanted, a wonderful wife and kids. They are so happy! Jenny is a great mom and wife, she puts me to shame in everything! Jenny, you are incredible, I would love to be more like you in everything! I love watching their kids. They are always so good and well behaved at my house. My kids love to play with them! I'll post more pictures at the baby blessing.

Kim's 35th birthday (Dec 29, 2011)

What can I say. . . I am getting old.

Christmas 2011

Tyler with his present pile from "Santa."

Will with his present pile from "Santa."

 Tyler with his gifts. Lego's Pirates of the Caribbean ship, I Pod touch charger/player, gold rocks in clay, break open your own geode rocks, wireless mouse for his computer, lego helicopter, very soft blanket, lego people. Apparently I didn't get a picture with Will and his gifts. He got his laptop, band music holder and lego people.

David wanted a torch for Christmas. I am still not sure what he will use it for, but hey, he was happy so as long as he doesn't blow up anything I care about we're all good. 

Dave modeling his new torch safety glasses. 

Apparently I am good at not getting into pictures. Once, 7 years ago Dave took some pictures of me. I looked absolutely horrid, so I tore them up before I had to share my embarrassment with anybody else. Since then, Dave wont take my picture, saying I will just destroy them. So, I am not in any pictures, unless my boys take them. For Christmas Dave got me a professional hair/makeup artist. I get to go to her for 3 sessions and on the last session, Dave hired me a photographer to take pictures of me. This is very sweet and personal. He knows me and know my self esteem can be a tad lacking at times. He wanted me to have a picture where I could feel beautiful. I hope it turns out. I'm not very photogenic, so I'm nervous. This will by far be the most intimidating thing I have ever done. 

Christmas Eve party at Grandma Buck's (Dec 24, 2011)

Kaylyn with Ana, Jon, Marcy, Jason, Pappa and Kanyon

Keenan and Kiersten


Coby with Santa

Ga-pappa with Cameryn

Every year we have Christmas Eve at my in-laws house. My mother-in-law always does a great job! She goes out of her way to make sure everybody has a great time! I hope one year when I have a lot of Grand kids that I can have a party like hers, where everybody will look forward to it and feel loved at Grandma's house!

New eyebrows!!! (Dec 2011)

Oh happy day!!!! My mother-in-law has great looking eyebrows, I had no idea they are tattooed on! As soon as I found that out, I had to get them done myself! For any of you who truly know me, you know I have a condition called Trichotillomania. Basically, I pull my hair out. I always have and unfortunate still do without realizing it. At one point I had a bald spot on the top of my head from it, until my hair dresser pointed it out and I had to start putting gel in my hair to keep me from ripping it out unconsciously. Well, eventually the hair doesn't grow back, so my eyebrows are pretty pathetic at this stage in my life. I keep telling my family that one the best things about when I die is I'll get my eyebrows back! This is a horrible picture, but here is my before picture with crappy eyebrows.

Yucky, horrible picture

Much, much better! I love them!

Kanyon vs Cameryn (Dec 2011)

It's a bad quality picture, but here are my newest grandson's together. They are about 2 months and 2 weeks apart. They don't look a whole lot alike. They both look their respective Dad's. Soon they will be great playmates! Love you both!

Will piano recital (Dec 17, 2011) and band concert (Dec 20, 2011)

I get a lot of joy from listening to Will play the piano. He is very good at it. He's at that age where I have to tell him that one day he will thank me for it. . .

Will has taken up band this year. He wanted to play the saxophone, but the band teacher insists the kids first start out on the clarinet, then they have the chance to switch over to the saxophone next year. He is enjoying the clarinet and now has to decide if he wants to stick with it or move over to the other instrument. He did pretty good in the concert. His Grandma/Grandpa Roos and Buck made it there to support him. Not to mention Ana, who called out his name in the dead silence when she spotted him. Priceless. . . 

By the way, Will has more than one tie. Apparently this is his tie of choice. 

Our little Ana (Dec 1, 2011)

We love babysitting our little Mariana! She is such a good girl! She knows where everything is and makes herself right at home! We look forward to our days with her and miss her when it is a day off. Here is Mariana in Will's room playing with his stuff.

Cameryn Romney Buck (Nov 27, 2011)

Marcy, Coby, Jason & Cameryn
Cameryn Romney Buck

My newest grandson Cameryn! He is such a cute, sweet little boy! He was born on November 18th. He is a tiny little guy. He only weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and was 19.5' long. His brother Cody loves him! Here is a picture of the 2 of them together.

We love all of our grand kids and enjoy having them in our lives!