2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thank you Jason!! (Oct 15, 2011)

I am very grateful I have a talented step-son! Jason re-painted Kiersten's old room from pink to blue, so I could move Tyler over. Now that Kiersten is officially grown up and married with a family, we decided it was time to move Tyler to her old room, which free's up his old room to be the toy room for all our Grand kids.

Before, with the pink (this proves I love you Kiersten, I wouldn't choose pink on my own)

After, with Tyler's blue

Jason did a much better job than I could ever do! I feel I got really lucky, because we had enough extra paint, that Jason is now painting Tyler's old room for me! Tyler loves his new room. He was very gracious to switch for me. At first he wasn't sure, but I didn't want the toy room at the back of the basement down the hall. So thank you Tyler for moving for me! I'll post pictures of the next room when we're done.

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