2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Monday, November 14, 2011

Annual Roos family Halloween party (Oct 22, 2011)

My Mom is the best! She loves her grand kids and it shows! Every year she throws them a Halloween party. She always arranges it so all her grand kids can be there (seeing how I don't get my kids every weekend, I appreciate her doing that for me). The food is good, the games are fun & the company is great! Dave played chess with my Dad. I think they came out 50/50.

(Left to right)  Becca's kid Mason, Ricky, Ricky's kid Max, in the orange my sweet Tyler, Michelle's kid Taylor with his back to us, Ricky's girl Zoey with a side shot, Michelle and Ben in the back with the pole. Behind the sheet is Kylie's kid Rindy with Michelle's kid Bella.

Jenny, Clara, Kylie & Toby

My brother Ricky, with a bunch of kids

Hot sexy hubby

My Will at the top of Grandma's huge tree! Good thing he didn't fall!

I love my family. Each of them are special to me in their own special way! Thanks for the memories Mom!

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