2 Bucks and Change

2 Bucks and Change

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Truck Trip (June 26, 2010) Wonderful, Beautiful Utah (no place like home)

There really is no place like home! These pictures were taking as we were driving past Moab Utah. It's always fun driving around with my husband. I absolutely love it! It's wonderful bonding time with him. I look forward to it each and every year. Even with the fun of traveling all over, there's just something about being in your home state and seeing it's beauty. I LOVE UTAH! Thanks for taking me honey. I loved it. I loved my time with you. Thank you for not abandoning me in Nebraska :)

Truck Trip (June 25, 2010) Texas & New Mexico

Here is a picture of the Texas state sign.

Here is a picture of the New Mexico state sign, only a couple of hours later. Notice how different it is to look out the same window. Those darn bugs.

In New Mexico they were doing road construction and whoever had the job of placing cones in the road were either drunk or couldn't walk a straight line. The cones were all over the place! One would be on the far right side of the lane, the next one off on the left side of the lane. You could just look at them and seem them curving all over the place! If I was the one driving, I probably would have hit several of them.

In New Mexico, at a rest stop, we ran across the funniest group of people! There were two guys and a lady, who had bikes on the back of their car. We assumed they were  participating in some type of marathon.

At first only one guy was out of the car, standing up with his knees bent and his arms raised up toward the sky. He would come down a little with his legs and go back up again. I asked David what he was doing and he told me that they were Muslims praying toward the East. . . Stupid me, I thought Dave was being serious with me. For one, I had no idea where East was to check his story and two, I realized he was being funny when the guy started doing jump kicks in the air. It didn't take long for the other guy to join him.

It was one of the funniest things I have seen other people do in public. They were so entertaining, we just stayed and watched until the group left. I couldn't decide if they were doing karate moves, mediation moves or what. It was hard to get a close up picture, seeing how we were in the parking lot for big trucks and they were in the little car parking lot. 

 New Mexico beauty. . .

Truck Trip (June 24, 2010) Oklahoma

Oklahoma was pretty. It was a lot greener than Kansas. The roads however were not well thought out. The freeway runs right through town. It's nothing like our freeway's in Salt Lake City. Their freeway's are on the same level as the other roads and they have absolutely no barrier from the 75 MPH freeway to the 25 MPR road running less than 75 feet away!!! Nothing to stop a car from going over the small grass area and hitting somebody walking down the sidewalk! I told Dave it would be nice if you happened to miss your exit, because you could just drive over the little grass and be on the downtown road! 

I saw a billboard in Oklahoma that my kids would love. It said "For those of you who remember the alphabet game, this is for you." Then it had words that contained every single letter in the alphabet! We play that game all the time with my boys. Of course we get stuck on letters like j, q, z. . . I wish we had a couple of those billboards in Utah!

In the second picture, I was trying to get a picture of a fire off the road. I know it sounds weird, but it was really neat to see!

Truck Trip (June 24, 2010) Flat, Flat, Flat Kansas

There isn't a whole lot to say about Kansas other than I think you could roll a ball from one end of the state and it would make it to the other end of the state without stopping. 

I must admit, I wasn't completely at ease until we left Kansas. I couldn't stop worrying that we would be brutally killed by a random tornado.